Pre- Marriage Programmes
Sometimes couples spend a great deal of time and money on the wedding day, which lasts a few hours, and they neglect to plan the outcome of their marriage, which is expected to last a lifetime. Because of the importance the Church places on marriage, it is recommended that adequate time be given to reflect on major issues that are a part of married life. In order to facilitate an objective reflection, couples are expected to attend a Marriage Preparation Programme.
Realistic "marriage preparation" does not try to teach people all about marriage so that, when the time comes, they will have all the answers to any problems. Rather, it assists couples in the continued growth of their interpersonal communication and facilitates planning for their future life together. Information on what programmes are available can be obtained from the priest who will be presiding at your wedding.
Notice of Intended Marriage and Documentation
At least six months' notice is normally required of those wishing to celebrate marriage here at St. Finbar's. In addition, the couple must supply full copies of their birth certificates (or if not an Australian citizen, a foreign passport and/or any other relevant citizenship documentation) and recent copies of their baptism certificates. Photocopies of the original certificate are sufficient for any non-Catholic. These are to be given to the celebrant of your wedding.
Natural Family Planning
If you would like information concerning the natural approach to Family Planning, please contact Mrs. Maree Balzer, a trained NFP teacher, on 4754 4687.
Wedding Rehearsal
In the event that you require a rehearsal for your wedding, please discuss this with the priest celebrating your wedding. It is advisable that as many of the bridal party attend. It is possible to book a practice through the Parish Office. Normally only the bride and groom need to attend. If this is to take place outside office hours (9.00 am to 4.00 pm Wednesday to Friday), then the services of a Caretaker may be required to open and close the church.
Wedding Music
It is important that you discuss the music you wish to have for your ceremony with the Celebrant of your wedding. A fully restored 1883 heritage pipe organ is available for your wedding. A charge for its use is included in the fee for the use of the church. If you wish to obtain the services of a parish organist, please contact Mr. Michael Taylor on 4732 2519 or 0411021071 for an additional fee negotiated with the organist. We would prefer not to use CDs, except during the signing of the Register, and only after the approval of the celebrant.
We have large bowls of silk flowers on either side of the Altar. These are to remain in the Church at all times. If you wish to have fresh flowers for your wedding, you may have a bowl placed in front of the Altar and / or in front of the Ambo. For any information regarding this, please contact Margaret Rivas, secretary at the Parish Office 4739 8928 (Wednesday to Friday, 9am to 4pm).
Photographers and Video Operators
In a church, photographers and video operators should be unobtrusive. Additional lighting is not required in St. Finbar's Church. To reduce any misunderstandings, please ask your photographers to introduce themselves to the celebrant before the service.
Confetti, Rice, etc
Couples are requested to remind their guests not to throw rice, paper confetti or flower petals. Bubbles are welcome, but only outside the Church.
Limousines and stretch cars
Please take note that if you are having a large stretch limousine, we cannot guarantee access into the Church property. The lower gates from King Street may be opened, but we cannot guarantee access. Please discuss any details with the Parish office.
Offerings: Celebrant, Church, Caretaker, Flowers, and Musicians
You are asked to make a donation of $400 to cover costs to the parish associated with the preparation and celebration of your wedding. This amount includes the sacristan's fee, the use of the heritage organ, lodgement and processing of Government forms, caretaker's costs (rehearsal and wedding) and a $100 non-refundable booking fee. The whole amount is to be paid at the time of the confirmation of the date and time of your wedding.
The caretaker will open the Church for your wedding 1 hour prior to your appointed time. If you require any alteration to this arrangement, please contact the Parish Office.
Musicians and/or singers and the cost of the flowers are a matter between the couple and the people concerned, and should be paid for separately.
It is traditional and recommended that all couples offer a donation to the celebrant of their wedding.
To facilitate the dispersal of funds, we request that your payment be made in cash.
Finally, if you would like to discuss any of the matters raised in this leaflet, please feel free to contact the Parish Priest or the parish office during office hours (9:00 am to 4:00 pm Wednesday to Friday) on 02 4739 8928.