The parish of St Finbar, located at 52 levy St Glenbrook, has a community columbarium which was officially opened and blessed by the Most Reverend Vincent Long Nguyen O.F.M. Conv, Bishop of Parramatta on Saturday 6th February 2021.
The columbarium contains nearly 500 niches spread over five blocks, with each niche formally and officially identified. Niches are available for the interment of the ashes of your deceased family and friends. Available niches are allocated in the same order in which the interment contracts are signed.
The cost f a columbarium niche is currently (Jan 2024) $2,500, which includes maintenance of the columbarium and surrounding area. This price will increase from time to time as costs increase.
If you wish to purchase one or more niches you need to contact the parish secretary ( to identify which niche sites are currently available and to nominate the site(s) of your choice. At that point you will sign the contact to purchase the niche(s) and make the payment.
Apart from organising the funeral Mass or service and the cremation, the only additional cost will be for having a suitable plaque made. This will be organised by the parish in order to maintain uniformity of design, but the wording on the plaque will be your choice. The cost of the plaque varies according to how many words the plaque contains.