St Finbar's

Glenbrook Parish

Weekly Mass Times & Reconciliation

Weekday Mass Times

Tuesday to Saturday: 9:15am
Every 3rd Thursday of the month: Anointing Mass 9:15 am (except January)

Sunday Mass Times

Vigil Mass 5:30pm
Sunday 7:30am & 9:30am
Family / Youth Mass - 1st and 3rd Sunday (except January) 6:00pm


Saturday 4:30 - 5:15pm
or any time by request

Rosary in Honour of Our Lady
Following Wednesday morning Mass

On last Friday of the month at 7:00pm

Planned Giving Donation Forms

Diocesan News

Progress of talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan spurs hope

Recent progress in peace talks between Baku and Yerevan over North Karabakh spurs hope for peace in the war-torn South Caucasus region. [...]

Meet expatriate Christians from Iraq who choose to come back

Iraq bears the scars of a slow exodus of Christians. Yet, some choose to return to the country. [...]

News & Events Weekly Update

News & Events Weekly Update News and Events across the Diocese of Parramatta and beyond [...]

‘We Hope Their Future Is Better’

Letter from the Burmese-Thai border. [...]

Welcome home Holy Father!

After 38 days Pope Francis leaves the Gemelli Hospital. [...]

Where is God in the liturgy? A way forward for reform and renewal

We must be conscious that the liturgy is not first of all our activity but rather our response to God, who acts first, to Christ who makes himself present among us. [...]

Making a Difference: A Lenten fast acceptable to the Lord

The prophet Isaiah boldly challenges us to choose the way of fasting most acceptable to the Lord: “Releasing those bound unjustly … setting free the oppressed … sharing your bread with the hungry, sheltering the oppressed and the homeless, clothing the naked when you see them, and not turning your back on your own.” [...]

Making a Difference: Sin does not have the final word

Lent calls us to reflect on sin – my sin, your sin, the nation’s sin, the church’s sin, the world’s sin. [...]


For information regarding Penance, Confirmation and Eucharist, please use the button below.
These documents are downloaded by parents so they can be completed and returned to the parish.

For more information on baptism and wedding arrangements, please use the buttons below, or contact the Parish Office.

Local Catholic School

st finbars primary logo

St Finbar's, Glenbrook provides a comprehensive education for boys and girls from Kindergarten to Year 6. The school lives by its motto: "Living our faith in daily life, seeking truth in our relationships and building our knowledge".

St Finbar's is at the forefront of education providing a comprehensive learning program. It has special education and learning programs to support and enrich the learning needs of students. Children are encouraged to participate in a number co-curricular and community activities.

Children learn in a well resourced, comfortable and safe environment. The school is proud of what has been achieved with our supportive parent community, with parents participating in a wide variety of school activities.



46-52 Levy St, Glenbrook NSW 2773
PO Box 123, Glenbrook 2773


Phone: 02 4742 6958



Parish Office Hours:

9:30am - 3:00pm Tuesday to Friday



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